We welcome Dr. Aleksandra Borek-Dorosz as a post-doc in our group. Aleksandra will be affiliated with the Leibniz-IPHT and the University Hospital in Jena. Before joining the Laboratory for Lightwave Metrology, Aleksandra completed her PhD studies at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, where she also worked as a post-doc in the Raman Imaging Group.
Her scientific activity focused on the development of a research methodology using Raman spectroscopy methods for comprehensive characterization of the cell phenotype, assessment of their biochemical state, and assessment of metabolic changes resulting from inflammation and activation. In her work, Aleksandra used several spectroscopic methods including Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) as well as several chemometric methods to analyze the data to interpret the large sets of spectra collected. These methods including: KMCA, PCA, PLS, MCR as well as statistical methods like ANOVA or KWANOVA.
In our team, she will be involved in research related to gas samples and the characteristics of their changes related to patients diseases in the intensive care unit. In addition, she will be involved in our cell phenotyping research, using the newly-developed infrared flow cytometry system.